Career Mgmt. Home
Manager's Toolbox
UM System Talent Wheel (PDF, 703KB)
Log into Percipio to access training to hone your career skills and learn more about career management.

Define and pursue your career path with tools to turn your desires into concrete accomplishments. The following tools help you:
Ask yourself about your own goals and progress, and better understand the university's career management process
Your Career Management Plan - A fill-and-print PDF to track your goals, achievements, and next steps (save the PDF to your desktop before filling it in to ensure your entries are saved)
Talking to Your Manager About Your Career
Career Move Options
Self-Assessments Can Help You Develop
Goals as a Strategy to Career Success
Explore ways to progress, assess, and even revise the career path you're on
Discovering Potential Jobs Using O*NET
Managing Your Career Using Job Code Detail
Getting the Most Out of Mentoring
How to Use Success Factors to Develop Your Skills
Learning Through Informational Interviewing
Getting the Most Out of Job Shadowing
Do the work necessary to further your career
Reviewed 2025-02-25