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Notice of special opportunity to support small grants of up to $50,000 for 1-year projects. All qualified investigators within Missouri who are employees or staff members of any public or private educational, health care, voluntary health associations or research institutions are eligible to apply. This opportunity is particularly suited for postdoctoral fellows and early career researchers.

  • Proposal deadline: March 22, 2024. Awards announced approximately April 22, 2024.
  • Current recipients of active SCIDRP awards are not eligible for additiional SCIDRP funding.


Christian Lorson, PhD

471G Bond Life Sciences Center (office)

University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211

(573) 884-2219 or (573) 884-2680 (lab)


Advisory Board Staff

Sherri Oliver, PhD, PMP

E115 Veterinary Medicine Building

University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211

(573) 882-2081

Reviewed 2022-11-02