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2012 Awards Life Sciences


Last name First name Campus Department Project title
Beernstsen Brenda UM-Columbia Vet. Pathobiology Mosquito Immunity: Pathogen Recognition to Signaling
Brown Charles UM-Columbia  Vet. Pathobiology Cyclooxygenase-1 and Humoral Immunity
Cocroft Reginald UM-Columbia Biological Sciences Social Cues of Emergence Timing in Periodical Cicadas
Cummings Kevin UM-Columbia Biomedical Sciences 5-HT and Neurotransmitter Receptor Expression in Mice
Daniels Mark UM-Columbia Molec Microbio & Immunolo  shRNA Screen of ISGs that Modulate HCV Infection
Goyne Keith UM-Columbia Soil, Environ & Atmos Sci Isolation & Characterization of Atrazine Degrading Biomolecu 
Heese Antje UM-Columbia Biochemistry Delineating Roles of DRP28 in fig22-induced Endocytosis In P
Krenz Maike UM-Columbia Med. Pharmacology/Physiol  Role of Akt Signaling in Heart Valve Development & Disease
Liscum Emmanuel UM-Columbia Biological Sci.  Genetic Resources for Studies of Phot1
Liu Shan-Lu UM-Columbia Molec Microbio & Immun shRNA Screen of ISGs that Modulate HCV Infection 
Mendoza-Cozatl David UM-Columbia Plant Sciences Identification of Seed-Loading Toxic Metal Transporters
Olivas Wendy UM-St. Louis Biology Regulation of mRNA Decay & Translation by Puf Proteins
Schultz Jack UM-Columbia Life Sci. Ctr. Are Insect Galls Ectopic Fruits?
Stoyanov Alexandre UM-Columbia Path & Anat Sci-Anatomy The Complete Pattern of Hemoglobin Glycation as a Tool
Vardhanabhuti Bongkosh UM-Columbia Food Science Behavior of Proteins in Simulated Gastric Model as Related to
Wells Kevin UM-Columbia Animal Science Development of Transgenic Mouse Eggs that Mimic Human Eggs 
Yao Xiaolan UM-Kansas City  Biology Structure & Dynamic Basis of Ceramide Transfer Protein Function 
Yu Xiano-Qiang UM-Kansas City Biology A Toll-ML Signaling Pathway in Insect Innate Immunity

Reviewed 2019-08-24