Last name | First name | Department | Campus | Project title |
Barriuso | Carlos | Romance Lang. | UM-Columbia | Discourses of Modernity: Nationalism, Imperialism, & Aesthet |
Brunero | John | Philosophy | UM-St. Louis | Explaining Instrumental Rationality |
Dalton | John | English | UM-St. Louis | The Inverted Forest: A Novel |
Forman-Brunell | Miriam | History | UM-Kansas City | Girls' History & Culture Reader |
Frankel | Henry | Philosophy | UM-Kansas City | The Continental Drift Controversy - completio nof 3 vol. wor |
Gaines | Julia | Music | UM-Columbia | Creation of a Graded Evaluation System for Four-Mallet Marim |
Gerteis | Louis | History | UM-St. Louis | Acquisition of Laura Rand Orthwein papers |
Kramer | Johanna | English | UM-Columbia | A Poetics of Materiality: Ascension of Christ in Anglo-Saxon |
Looser | Devoney | English | UM-Columbia | "Sister Novelists: Jane & Anna Maria Porter" |
Malone | Edward | English & Tech. Com | Missouri S&T | Women Technical Communicators before 1960 |
McGinnis | Jon | Philosophy | UM-St. Louis | The Avicennan Legacy: From Arabic thought to European Cultur |
Myers | Anne | English | UM-Columbia | Building Stories: Literature & Architecture in Early Modern |
Northcott | Robert | Philosophy | UM-St. Louis | Measuring Causal Strength in Biology |
Piccinini | Gualtiero | Philosophy | UM-St. Louis | Computation: A Mechanistic Account |
Powell | Larson | Foreign Langs/Lit | UM-Kansas City | The Technological Unconscious |
Sampson | Cherie | Art | UM-Columbia | Her Blue Sea Fire - A Culminant Performance in Finland |
Sippel | Jeffrey | Art & Art History | UM-St. Louis | Printing Green with Fine Art Waterless |
Sowienski | Richard | The Missouri Review | UM-Columbia | Researaching Potential Audiences for the Mo. Review Digital |
Stanton | Maureen | English | UM-Columbia | Everything Rich and Strange |
Wright | Michael | English/Techn. Communicat | Missouri S&T | Communications in Converging Industries: NAIS |
Reviewed 2019-08-24