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2015 President's Award for Community Engagement

Mitchell and WolfeS. David Mitchell, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Law

University of Missouri-Columbia

Dr. S. David Mitchell joined the MU School of Law in 2006, bringing expertise in the area of exoffenders and their re-entry into society. Much of his community engagement has involved working with this population, as well as with other underprivileged groups, through the Boone County Offender Transition Network and the Boone County Community Partnership, where he serves on the board of directors.

“Professor Mitchell takes a broad view of community. He does not see the university and the larger Columbia area as separate entities, viewing them as part of the community writ large. Similarly, he views the marginalized and underprivileged populations that he serves as part of our community as a whole,” wrote nominator Gary Myers, dean of the MU School of Law.

His community engagement has become even more significant in the wake of the events occurring in Ferguson, Missouri, as he has led discussions with many audiences on these events and, as a result, has been named chair of the Missouri Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Here, he leads a bi-partisan group of citizens appointed for two years to investigate and prepare an in-depth report for the commission.

Within the Columbia community, Mitchell established a “Street Law” course for students at Frederick Douglass High School, an alternative public school. Beginning with a pilot program two years ago, he now teaches a 14-week program for at-risk students focused on law and the legal system.

“I cannot find the words to express how inspirational his work at Douglass has been. Dr. Mitchell has high expectations. Our students continue to rise to the challenge,” said nominator Eryca Neville, director of alternative education at Frederick Douglass High School.

Reviewed 2019-10-01